
Star Trek: Discovery is Truly God Awful (Spoilers)

The Social Justice Takeover of Entertainment

Replicant Mark Zuckerberg Lies, Pretends Facebook is Centrist an...

Will Antifa Divide the SJWs? (thoughts)

Did scientists REALLY just admit to exaggerating global warming?

Antifa Plan November 4th Day of Revolution

New York Times Opinion Page Endorses Communism

Creepy Hollywood Video Calls For War With Rüssia

Hydrogen Hillary Clinton Blames Voter ID Laws For Her Loss Now Too

Zuckerberg to Sell Massive Amount of Facebook Stock, Rejects New Stock Type

Mel Brooks Attacks Political Correctness, Claims it is Anathema to Comedy

Cut Your Losses - MGTOW

Hillary Clinton Attacks Progressives, Critiques Bernie's 'Medicare for A...

Riding The Carousel / The Slut Years - MGTOW

There's Something Wrong With Hillary

Campo Santo Slammed by Grassroots Response for Assaulting PewDiePie: Good!

Book teaches Women How To Steal From Men! MGTOW

CNN Panel Slowly Realizes Hillary Sucks

Another game developer chooses death by caving to SJWs

Populism and Nativism Have Already Won This Generation: You'll See What ...

Why the New Right is Growing Online while the Old Left Withers

The Clintons May Be Involved in Child Trafficking

Women and Tinder

Marriage Down 53% Since 1970! Hooray! MGTOW

Listen to heavy rock? You might be in a hate group!


DuckDuckGo sees massive surge in users, after Google censorship

The Female Red Pill Trend.

Hillary Blames Bernie For Her Election Loss & CNN Agrees

Bernie Dismisses Hillary Clinton’s Nonsensical Attacks in 'What Happened...

SJWs cause Game Writer to quit job because of his political views

New Hillary Website Backfires Big Time - �� - Now Complete Laughing Stock...

Understanding The Current YouTube Crisis

Diversity Fuhrer Angela Merkel Declares Intent to Rule Europe, Insults U...

The Democratic Establishment is Over-extending the Moral Panic and the L...

#MetalGate - SJWs vs Metalheads

Crazy Clinton Attacks Bernie Sanders and His Fans in her Failure of a Ne...

Google Is Coming After Critics In Academia And Journalism

Hillary Supporters Have A New Social Media Platform!

Dynamics of the “Facebook Feminist Fit” or F.F.F.

News: The Future is Female... Robot Female

A black man undercover in the alt-right | Theo E.J. Wilson | TEDxMileHigh

The "Mizzou Effect" has reached Evergreen State College