
Star Trek: Discovery is Truly God Awful (Spoilers)

The Social Justice Takeover of Entertainment

Replicant Mark Zuckerberg Lies, Pretends Facebook is Centrist an...

Will Antifa Divide the SJWs? (thoughts)

Did scientists REALLY just admit to exaggerating global warming?

Antifa Plan November 4th Day of Revolution

New York Times Opinion Page Endorses Communism

Creepy Hollywood Video Calls For War With Rüssia

Hydrogen Hillary Clinton Blames Voter ID Laws For Her Loss Now Too

Zuckerberg to Sell Massive Amount of Facebook Stock, Rejects New Stock Type

Mel Brooks Attacks Political Correctness, Claims it is Anathema to Comedy

Cut Your Losses - MGTOW

Hillary Clinton Attacks Progressives, Critiques Bernie's 'Medicare for A...

Riding The Carousel / The Slut Years - MGTOW

There's Something Wrong With Hillary

Campo Santo Slammed by Grassroots Response for Assaulting PewDiePie: Good!

Book teaches Women How To Steal From Men! MGTOW

CNN Panel Slowly Realizes Hillary Sucks

Another game developer chooses death by caving to SJWs

Populism and Nativism Have Already Won This Generation: You'll See What ...

Why the New Right is Growing Online while the Old Left Withers

The Clintons May Be Involved in Child Trafficking

Women and Tinder

Marriage Down 53% Since 1970! Hooray! MGTOW

Listen to heavy rock? You might be in a hate group!


DuckDuckGo sees massive surge in users, after Google censorship

The Female Red Pill Trend.

Hillary Blames Bernie For Her Election Loss & CNN Agrees

Bernie Dismisses Hillary Clinton’s Nonsensical Attacks in 'What Happened...

SJWs cause Game Writer to quit job because of his political views

New Hillary Website Backfires Big Time - �� - Now Complete Laughing Stock...

Understanding The Current YouTube Crisis

Diversity Fuhrer Angela Merkel Declares Intent to Rule Europe, Insults U...

The Democratic Establishment is Over-extending the Moral Panic and the L...

#MetalGate - SJWs vs Metalheads

Crazy Clinton Attacks Bernie Sanders and His Fans in her Failure of a Ne...

Google Is Coming After Critics In Academia And Journalism

Hillary Supporters Have A New Social Media Platform!

Dynamics of the “Facebook Feminist Fit” or F.F.F.

News: The Future is Female... Robot Female

A black man undercover in the alt-right | Theo E.J. Wilson | TEDxMileHigh

The "Mizzou Effect" has reached Evergreen State College

Mail: Removeable Vagina Envy

Antifa Violence Finally Called Out by Media

#YouTubeJail : 4Chan Organizes Pushback

Free Speech Is Under Attack, Hate Speech Is Not Real

Men And Women Are Held To Different Standards #11

CNN Says Everyone Who Voted For Trump Is A ‘White Supremacist By Default’

CNN Says Everyone Who Voted For Trump Is A ‘White Supremacist By Default’

Youtube's New Censorship Tactics Are Now In Place

Youtube Rolls Out New Wave of Censorship: Let's See What Happens

Marvel editors encourage the doxing and attacks on a fellow youtuber

News: Female Comfort is Patriarchy (TFM 42O)

FINALLY a false accuser jailed for a decent length of time!

Google & the Corporate Embrace of Diversity

CNN Voter Panel Humiliate Host Aliyson Camerota ��

Why does the Common Man Hate FEMINISM?

Mark Hamill shits on the new Star Wars movies

Proof Women Have a One Track Mind

Google Now Working With Liberal Groups To Target Conservative Websites

Racist Soap Dispenser

Dear Real Women

Growing number of guys getting vasectomies to avoid the baby trap

Gab, Hatreon, other Free Speech Sites Targeted by Web Giants

The Democratic Establishment is Over-extending the Moral Panic and the L...

YouTube censors interview with "Inside #GamerGate" author before it even...

Noam Chomsky: Antifa Is 'A Major Gift To The Right'

3 Simple Things Men Should Do After Starting A New Job

Do Men "Need" Women? MGTOW

The Rise of the Alt-Tech Alliance

SJWs Try to Deplatform Me

Weimar America

When SJWs Attack

Yes, the Alt-Left Exists: Yes, it is Violent

Limited or no adds explained for every one

The reaction to Trump calling out the alt-left

Bill Burr - "Adolf Hitler and Stalin" (stand up comedy)

�� YouTube Trying to Shut Down Black Conservative Channel - Diamond and S...

How A Tinder Experiment Proved Women LOVE Dating Dysfunctional Men

BOMBSHELL: Analysis Concludes DNC Hack Was Inside Job, Not Rüssía

On the Internal Responses to the Google Memo

Alleged Google employee compares the company to a church

Where have all the good men gone? Part 1: The problem

Where have all the good men gone? Part 2: The answer

The Millennial Left Has Sold Out to Organized Religion, Corporations, an...

The Self-Serving Cosmopolitan Press

Google fires James Damore over reasonable "anti-diversity" memo


Google's Ideological Echo Chamber