
Dr Who and Star Wars - Are critics frightened?

Kathleen Kennedy's Force Is Female Agenda Gets Exposed

Actress Wants Fat-Shaming To Be "Hate Speech"

Why Are Millennials Such Lazy Stunted Children?

Heavy Metal Labels and Bands Targeted by Jackboot Licking Boring Sellouts

The Atlantic Deems "Climate Denial" to be "Racist"

Twitch thot Goes topless and get's a partnership while suspended

Former New York Times Executive Editor Admits Paper Is ‘Unmistakably Ant...

Hollywood Elites Want to Control How We View History

Iconic '90s sitcom jokes branded ‘offensive’ by new viewers

News: There Ain't No Rest for the Submitted (TFM 42O)

"False Flag Smear" About Ocasio-Cortez Dancing, NO ONE Cared

Kathleen Kennedy, NIKE, and “THE FORCE IS FEMALE.” The Pathetic TRUTH

Retailers Suggest Changes to Comic Industry Because Comic Shops ARE DYING

Leave Captain Marvel Alone! NPC defend upcoming movie trailer

Dr. Jordan B Peterson, This Is Why Smart Men Are Avoiding Relationships

UK army recruitment ads target 'snowflake' millennials

Elizabeth Warren is Not a Wamen of Colour

The Pence Principle - MGTOW

Democrats ALREADY Smear Bernie, Refuse To Give Up Elitism

Overwatch Player Scandal, Female Gamer Was Really A DUDE

Captain Marvel promo team turns to word-banning feminists for ideas


Literal Fake GamerGurl Hilariously Exposes Game Journalists!

The Democrats Are Preemptively Attacking Bernie Sanders

Why Are Smaller Star Wars Channels Doing Better Than Some Bigger Channels?

I Don't Want To Compete

Facebook Continues to Spiral Down the Toilet

Comic pro thinks the success of manga will save DC and Marvel

Doctor Strange Director deletes hateful tweets address at right wingers

2018 Fake News Review

Open Border Imperialists

~226~ The MOST Censored Stories of 2018

The Fortnite Phenomenon: How It Became The Most Popular Video Game In Th...

The Decline and Death of Mainstream Media News

Rian Johnson's Star Wars Trilogy goes STRAIGHT TO TV! NO THEATER RELEASE...

Fox Guest: Food Stamp Recipients Just Watch Pórn All Day

James Wan Calls Oscars "A Fucking Disgrace" Over Aquaman Omission

Lies and the Evil Stepmothers That Tell Them |

SJW's Pretend Not to Understand Their Destructiveness...LIVE CHAT

Men Shamed For 'Micro Penis' - MGTOW

Mgtow Response- The Feminist War on Porn

Woman: "Most Guys Aren't Worth Dating" - MGTOW

News: The Mobs Are Revolting (TFM 42O)

Simping Costs Lives - MGTOW

Ellen ATTACKED for Defending KEVIN HART - There's No Forgiveness with SJWs

Kanye Goes Pro-Trump Again for 2019

Marvel writer Max Bemis renounces his "manhood" for NPC politics

Game Journalist Thinks Gamers Are Nazis

College Enrollment TANKING Due to FEMINISM

Anti Male Bias is Destroying Civilization, 2507

Institutional Bigotry is Responsible for Sex Dolls

Calling Someone A Person Is Now Offensive - Did You Just Assume My Human...

Bernie Sanders Apologizes Following #MeToo Allegations

Feminism Has Liberated Men (MGTOW)

Asking Out Smaller Women = Sex Harassment?

Sucked into matrix of Trump TV: What 2018 was like for US mainstream med...

Hobbies and Male Productivity

Max Bemis calls masculinity an 'infection' while Marvel suffers

They Mad At Louis CK. Again.

Intersectional feminism IS communist particle board

Whatever Happened to The Roundhouse Kicking Activist (Jordan Hunt)?

Male Feminist Magic Pro AJ Sacher Gets "MeToo'd"

Activists Say CURING DISEASE Is Now Offensive Ableism

How is This a Thing? 2nd of January 2019

Why 'Cheap Sex' Makes Women Lonely - MGTOW

I'm Not Taking It Anymore: How To Handle Rude Trump-Hating Clerks, Stran...

Louis CK Is The New SJW Target, Why?

Culture War To Civil War, Are We Following Rome's Footsteps?

Kanye West's MAGA Hat

Political Correctness Manual 2019 - Things You Can't Say

The Rise Of The "Woke"-Woe-Is-Me Woman

Why Are So Many SJW Characters Mary Sues?

News: Expecto Free-Dinnero (TFM 42O)

Male Feminist Ends Life After False Accusation During Women's March

News: Freedom is Toxic (TFM 42O)

Louis CK does comedy again - The idiots are outraged!

Populism Has Won, Democrats Embrace Populist Rhetoric and Style

Feminist Blames PUTIN For Women's March Scandal... wat???

Feminist Mad At Ninja AGAIN For Refusing To Stream With Women

Hydrogen Hillary Clinton Says 2018 was a "Dark Time" for Our Country... ...

Star Wars: Why Kathleen Kennedy couldn’t be fired in 2018

Eureka Womens March Canceled Due to Being "Too White"

Trump the Comedian

Stupid Man Week

Leftists Mock First Lady Melania For Wearing ‘Timberland Boots’

Punisher Gets WOKE For Season 2 - Not Surprising, considering, Marvel.

News: Don't Fear The REEEEper


Dear LGBT people why are you allowing pedos